Great news !!!! We are happy to share with you the final results of the project . Read the newsletter to find more !!!

On September 27th, HMU held the multiplier event. The event had great success and participants had the chance to be informed about the final results of the project.

The 2nd newsletter is published. Read it here

The TechWhiz project was presented at the 33rd International Conference on Information Modelling and Knowledge Bases – EJC 2023. During a short presentation of the project, the main and digital solutions, in development to address them, were discussed. Interestingly, some of the participants from Tokio, Japan were involved in a similar endeavour from which an interesting discussion arose on the differences between the European and Japanese sign languages and cultures and how they affect the solutions that were proposed to support the integration of deaf people.

In the ERACON 2023 conference, Mr. Omar Gamal presented TechWhiz project’s aims and outcomes to the research community.

Ms. Bäumer and Mr. Gamal presented the TechWhiz project’s aims and outcomes to the hearing and deaf communities on the day of inclusion at the University of Siegen, Germany. The inclusion day event was organised by the Inclusion service office at the University of Siegen.

Mr. Gamal presented the TechWhiz project’s aims and outcomes to the German and international communities. The event was organised by ATHENA European University and the University of Siegen.

Read the latest news from TechWhiz here

On the 18th of May, 2023, the TechWhiz consortium had its second Transnational Project Meeting. The meeting was held in Maribor, Slovenia, at the Faculty of electrical engineering and computer science, University of Maribor. As has become the norm after COVID-19, the meeting was of a hybrid type to facilitate the remote participation of the project contributors that could not attend the meeting in person.
In the meeting, we discussed all of the results that will be produced in the TechWhiz project, individual partner contributions and responsibilities, and the important project management issues that have arisen since the previous meeting. We are happy to report that the project is proceeding well, and the main tools that will be produced in the project, namely the TechWhiz Studio (an application to configure sign language), TechWhiz Gloss Loader (a web-based solution to facilitate interpretation of the spoken language to sign language) and TechWhiz Dictionary (an online dictionary that will define the searched terms in a sign language using the visualisation from the Studio and the definitions from the Gloss Loader), are close to complete. The tools should soon become available to try for yourself. We will make sure to let you know when this happens.

The TechWhiz partners met in Porto, Portugal on October 21st 2022 to discuss the project’s current status and to set the plan of implementation of the future activities

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.



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Medidata, Portugal

Rogério Ribeiro